Monday, March 5, 2007

Wendy Upate and Fundraiser

I spoke with Wendy this morning as she was on her way back in to see Scott. If all goes well, they are hopeful that they will be removing the breathing tube today. I am praying that once we get over that hurtle they will be able to give Wendy a better idea as to when they can transfer Scott closer to home. We don't want Scott moved before he is ready but, it would be such a blessing for the family to have him near. It is tearing Wendy up needing to be with both Scott and her boys. She has so much support and help with Christian and Caiden. They are all so well loved and cared for by everyone. But, she is really concerned for their emotional well being during all of this and it's difficult for her to leave them for days at a time. But needless to say, being by Scott's side is her main priority.

Wendy would like everyone to know that she is overwhelmed with all the love and support she is receiving from everyone. She is feeling your prayers and can't even begin to put in to words how much she appreciates it all! Thanks doesn't begin to express it.
--posted by Tricia Beaman