Thursday, March 8, 2007

Scott Finally Had His Procedure

I spoke with Wendy this evening. Good News--Scott's bronchoscopy went well and the doctors were able to get a lot of fluid out of his lungs. He was at a very low oxygen level prior to the procedure, but is now at 97% oxygen. With the tube out of his throat, he'll be a lot more comfortable than before. He is less sedated and will hopefully start to really improve.

Scott is considered a respiratory case still. This means that when he is moved, possibly in the next week or two, he has to be moved to a bed in ICU. Unfortunately, there's a possibility that he will be moved to Baldwin Park. Wendy is obviously hoping a bed opens up for Scott closer to her, either in Riverside or Fontana.

Due to my schedule, I may not be able to post over the next two days--but I'll try. Thanks again for checking in. Continue to hope for better and better news!

Posted by Paul Palomino