Saturday, March 3, 2007

Still on Respirator but Alert

I spoke with Candy again this evening. She said she and Stacy had a good visit with Scott today. He opened his eyes and knew they were there. At one point, Candy told Stacy they should go back to the hotel and they got up to go. Stacy looked back and Scott was making a face, so they stayed with him and held his hands. They tried to go a few more times, but he squeezed their hands and wouldn't let them. Finally they had to leave during the next shift change, when the visitors are required to leave the room.

Candy said they apparently do chest X-rays each morning to see how much fluid is still in his lungs. They apparently need his lungs clear before they can remove the respirator. The respirator has been in since the surgery the other night.

Scott is a very popular patient among the group of doctors that see him. One of them told Candy that there is something very special about Scott because the entire team is really pulling for him in a special way.

I will be away most of the day tomorrow and will try to post any new information I receive tomorrow night. Wendy and Candy and all the family know how much all of you are praying and thinking of them. Keep those messages coming.