Monday, March 5, 2007


As you know, Scott has been on a respirator since he came out of surgery on Tuesday. While I was there he was on a pretty heavy duty one, which they had to keep him heavily sedated and restrained. Then they stepped him down yesterday before we left, back to the regular respirator. They've been getting a lot of bacteria out of it, and decided to keep him on it. My mom, Candy spoke to Wendy a bit ago and they are waiting to do a tracheostomy. There's no word if he will be on it forever or for a few days but it's mainly because his oxygen levels dropped through the night. Hopefully this will able him to speak, as the last few days he became very frustrated with the respirator. But I'm not really sure how a trach tube works? Keep up the prayers for Scott and for Wendy to be strong while she is there.
--Posted by Stacy Zwart