Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Paul Visits Scott; New Fundraiser

I visited Scott early Tuesday morning. When I left, I felt very positive. I believe Scott wants and is trying hard to get better.

I couldn't tell whether Scott was asleep when I entered his room. His eyes were nearly shut. I quietly said, "Hi Scott". He immediately opened his eyes, looked right at me and raised his left hand to greet me. He seemed very happy to see me. I didn't get this message from his facial expressions. He's not really making any. He just looked me in the eye intently whenever I spoke. I told him that I and all his friends really miss him and are praying for him; that we want our Scott back.

Scott is not able to talk right now, I believe due to the tracheotomy. I figured out quickly that he would blink twice to say "yes" and shake his head to say "no". I realized that the TV was on and asked him if he was watching much of it. He shook his head. I then asked if it was bothering him. He quickly blinked twice and then again when I asked if I should turn it off. When I did so, I asked him if that was better and he blinked twice again. I talked to him about this and that, but not a lot. For a good portion of the time I just stood next to his bed and held his hand. He would drift off from time to time, but he would come right back if someone walked in the room, or if I said anything.

When I got ready to go, he lifted his right hand toward me to shake. This must be painful for him with the broken collar bone. He then squeezed my left hand a couple of times and moved it back and forth. It felt like he was saying, "Thanks for coming, it's so good to see you". During my time with him I told him that I knew that he was probably frustrated, sometimes lonely, and bored. I told him that he is strong;that I have every confidence in him to recover. I encouraged him to keep going, that all his friends and family are rooting for him.

Scott looked very good to me. His hair and beard are growing out. I plan to go see him again next week.

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