Friday, April 27, 2007

Scott Talking! More Time Off Respirator

What a nice day!

I heard Scott say today with his own voice "Thank you for coming". That was the biggest blessing. He told Wendy yesterday"I love you". What an amazing sound! I can't believe with the limited chatting time Scott had, he chose to talk to me.

Today marked Scott's 3rd day without a respirator. After a lung x-ray today they decided to put him back on the respirator for a bit. We are very positive that this will change for the better soon.

I was also lucky enough to see Scott go through his occupational therapy today. He is so much stronger than I thought possible. He was showing off like crazy!

I hope you enjoy the photo of Scott and Wendy. He truly is in his own heaven when with Wendy!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Scott With His Sons!

Hi everyone!

Scott wanted to share this photo of him and his boys. He so enjoys their visits and they love to see their daddy!

Scott's breathing is improving. He is going for several hours at a time unassisted and will hopefully be off the respirator completely soon! He's is very proud of these accomplishments!

Scott's fevers are also becoming fewer and farther between.
There are some new obstacles that Scott is dealing with such as bedsores. Unfortunately, those will be a long-term nuisance. Scott has a new very high tech (Which you know Scott loves high tech anything!) bed that moves his body to help alleviate the bedsore issue.

I am headed to CA today to see Wendy and Scott! I am excited to have a full report to post tomorrow evening!

God Bless!


Monday, April 23, 2007

Scott Continues to Improve. New Fundraiser this Weekend

I didn't get a chance to go see Scott this week, but I did see him on Easter. He looked even better to me. The swelling in his right arm and hand was completely gone. His new room is a bit larger than the one he had in ICU. He was in even better spirits.

Throughout the week I heard that several friends and co-workers visited Scott and that those visits were very positive. There are still struggles with getting Scott off the ventilator. Please continue to pray that he can be removed from this soon.

As a reminder, continue to check out the link on the right for upcoming fundraisers that you may want to support. I just posted a new one this morning. Thanks everyone!


Thursday, April 12, 2007

Scott has New Scenery

Scott has been taken out of the Intensive Care Unit and put into the Intermediate Care Unit. This is a nice step forward on Scott's road to recovery. Scott is still battling that baffling fever. The doctor's are just stumped on what is causing it. They have him off of most of his antibiotics so that the infection will show itself and they can locate the problem.

Scott is in room 2118! Visitors are welcome. The sight of familiar loving faces really help lift Scott's spirits! It's a proven fact that the support of family and friends influences the patients recovery. Keep Praying!

God Bless!

PS BY PAUL--Don't forget tomorrow's yard sale fundraiser in Corona (see link to the right)

Monday, April 9, 2007

Scott's Neck Brace is Off

Hello All,

I had a chance to see Scott again yesterday on Easter. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to add more info on my last visit with him Tuesday. Ironically my own father is currently hospitalized in the same building as Scott, four floors above. I was there yesterday to visit my dad and saw Scott too.

Last week after my visit on Tuesday, I called Wendy to let her know about my visit. She had arrived there shortly after I left. She told me that Scott's neck brace was removed soon after I left. She was so excited to be able to finally kiss him on the lips! She said that day was the first day in a long time that she felt truly optimistic.

When I saw him that morning, he was much more communicative than the week before. The swelling in his right hand had reduced significantly and he moved that arm around more. The dexterity in the fingers of his left hand is increasing as well. He was able to nod 'yes' as well as shake his head for 'no'. Scott directed my attention to the news to make sure I knew about the E.Coli scare in Lake Forest! I wasn't even paying attention; but he was.

A Word About Fundraisers
I created a new site specifically for fundraisers currently scheduled. The link is at the top and right of this page. I will update the site regularly and will keep the most current events at the top and delete them when they are done. Please visit this section regularly to see if there are events that you can support. Thank you very much.
