Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Paul Visits Scott; New Fundraiser

I visited Scott early Tuesday morning. When I left, I felt very positive. I believe Scott wants and is trying hard to get better.

I couldn't tell whether Scott was asleep when I entered his room. His eyes were nearly shut. I quietly said, "Hi Scott". He immediately opened his eyes, looked right at me and raised his left hand to greet me. He seemed very happy to see me. I didn't get this message from his facial expressions. He's not really making any. He just looked me in the eye intently whenever I spoke. I told him that I and all his friends really miss him and are praying for him; that we want our Scott back.

Scott is not able to talk right now, I believe due to the tracheotomy. I figured out quickly that he would blink twice to say "yes" and shake his head to say "no". I realized that the TV was on and asked him if he was watching much of it. He shook his head. I then asked if it was bothering him. He quickly blinked twice and then again when I asked if I should turn it off. When I did so, I asked him if that was better and he blinked twice again. I talked to him about this and that, but not a lot. For a good portion of the time I just stood next to his bed and held his hand. He would drift off from time to time, but he would come right back if someone walked in the room, or if I said anything.

When I got ready to go, he lifted his right hand toward me to shake. This must be painful for him with the broken collar bone. He then squeezed my left hand a couple of times and moved it back and forth. It felt like he was saying, "Thanks for coming, it's so good to see you". During my time with him I told him that I knew that he was probably frustrated, sometimes lonely, and bored. I told him that he is strong;that I have every confidence in him to recover. I encouraged him to keep going, that all his friends and family are rooting for him.

Scott looked very good to me. His hair and beard are growing out. I plan to go see him again next week.

Reserve Your Spot Today
(Click on the image below to enlarge)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Still Resting

Scott is still doing about the same. He still is fighting the fever. It is consistent at @ 101*. The pneumonia is still there. And all we can do is wait and pray. Wendy asks for prayer for patience for herself. It is so hard being in limbo with little change for so long. Pray that every minute that goes by is a minute of HEALING to Scott's body and a minute of PEACE for Wendy and a minute of JOY for Christian and Caiden.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

A Restful Day

I just thought you'd all like to know that Scott had a peaceful day yesterday. Wendy said he slept most of the day. I'm sure he was exhausted from the events of the day before. Rest is the best thing for his body, it allows him to heal. We can just keep praying for Scott, Wendy and the boys! I hope to have great news for you soon!

--Posted by Tricia Beaman

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Scott is Stable!!

I just got off the phone with Wendy. Scott is stable and they are running tests. This is all the information she has at the moment and she will let us know anything more as soon as knows more.

Thank you for your endless prayers!

--Posted by Tricia Beaman

Immediate Prayer Request

Scott went into Respiratory Distress about an hour ago. His oxygen/blood ratio took a big dip. His heartbeat skyrocketed and his blood pressure first took a dive and then rose really high. They worked on him for 30 minutes before kicking Wendy out of the room to do a broncialscope (?). They just called her back a moment ago. She will call me as soon as she can to let me know how that all went. But, please pray now and pray hard!!

--Posted by Tricia Beaman

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Some New Prayer Requests

Scott could use some big prayers for his spirit! He is very sad and down. As you can imagine it must be very depressing being confined to that room with such slow progress. It breaks Wendy's heart to see him this way. Scott is such a happy guy, it'd be nice for his family to see him smile. Wendy gets most of her emotional strength from her boys but, the brightest part of her day is to see a spark in Scott's eyes and it's just not there right now. Scott's spirits and fighting will are going to be a constant prayer for a long time.

Also, the biggest obstacle they are facing at the moment is Scott's fever. He has had a fever for the majority of the last 4 weeks. They can't seem to find the cause and can't stop it. The doctor's are taking him off some of his antibiotics to see if they are causing the fever. Please pray his fever goes away. So things can move forward.

Thank you!

--Posted by Tricia Beaman

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Moving ahead slowly!

Scott is recovering slowly. The infectious disease specialist didn't find anything other than the pneumonia Scott has been fighting. That is good news. He seems more comfortable now and is resting well and looking good! It just takes time. The boys are visiting him again today! That is very HAPPY!

Fundraiser results!

Hey Everyone,

Thanks so much for all the hard work that was put into this fundraiser. The turn out was absolutely amazing!! The ENERGY was so strong, positive and uplifting throughout the whole night. Thank you again to all those that donated and helped get donations. We could not have done this without all of you! So here we go – the results of the evening. From the raffle – we got about $3800!! From the 50/50 = $254! Thanks to Pam for putting that together last minute. The donation box we left alone because we felt that was private & personal but there were quite a few items –money & cards in there. So all together $4054. YEA!! Please pass on our thanks and appreciation to all the friends and family that attended and participated. We hope that everyone enjoyed the evening as much as we did. It was great to meet some of you. There were so many people in and out – hopefully we will all meet at one point or another. Looking forward to the next fundraising event.

Yoga Den

Ortiz Family Update Through all of our joint efforts, Yoga Den was able to raise $3,500.00 for this family in need! Thank you so much for all you did to help. ~ Love, Leeza

Friday, March 16, 2007

Christian & Caiden see their Daddy!!

Scott had a nice visit with his boys yesterday. It went really well and it was great for all of them to see each other. I am POSITIVE that this will bring great healing to both Scott and his sons. I know it was very comforting to Wendy that they were all together and could tell each other how much they love one another! That is all that really matters.

They brought in an Infectious Disease specialist to see Scott. They are trying to determine if and where he has an infection. The many rounds of antibiotics that they have given him are not doing the trick. His fever is still up and down and they need to get that under control.

I hope to know more soon! Today will be a GREAT day!

--Posted by Tricia Beaman

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A Few Setbacks

Yesterday was a rough day for Scott. They put him back on the ventilator in the morning. Scott also went through a period of severe shaking and non responsiveness. He came out of that but, they don't know what caused it. The concern was stroke vs. seizure, but tests ruled out a stroke. The main focus was a reaction to meds. He has had so many and they are weening him off. By the end of the day Scott was doing much better.

Today WILL be better! I am SURE of it! I believe the ventilator will be gone again and Scott will be again telling Wendy and I to shut up when we are talking over him! I will let you know!!

--Posted by Tricia Beaman

Monday, March 12, 2007

Off the Ventilator

Scott's ventilator was removed today. Scott has been breathing on his own all day. They will leave the trach in for a while longer as is standard procedure in neck trauma. It is hopeful that this won't be permanent but, they can't say for sure. Scott has shown us a glimpse of himself making jokes and getting frustrated when we can't read his lips. Wendy is praying that Christian and Caiden can see Scott soon. It's been 18 days since they have seen their daddy and that is just too long! Keep praying that Scott's progress so this can happen soon!

Wendy's friend Shannon has put together another great FUNDRAISER!

--Posted by Tricia Beaman
Ortiz Family Super Suppers Fundraiser
Friday, March 23rd at 7:00pm (Private Party)
Saturday, March 24th from 10:00am – 4:00pm
Corona Super Suppers
1206 Magnolia Avenue
Suite 105
Corona, Ca 92881
Please join me for a fun time to raise money for the Ortiz family. Come & make some yummy meals for your family, or better yet, the Ortiz family. Super Suppers will donate 18% of the total sales from this event to the Ortiz family.
The private party is open to anyone who would like to come. This is a great opportunity for a night out & to make a difference in the lives of the 4 people that we all know & love. In addition, Super Suppers will provide us with appetizers & wine to enjoy while we prepare some yummy food.
It is necessary for you to register online for this event in order to ensure that all sales are recorded for the fundraiser. Please go to Click on Super Sign Up. Click on the Ortiz Family Event (on March 23rd or 24th). The username is ortiz & the password is scott (all lower case). You will have the option to pay in advance with your credit card, or pay in person on the date of the event. To pay in person, simply choose “Pay by Email”.
I look forward to seeing you there!
May God Bless You!
Shannon Little

Saturday, March 10, 2007

In Fontana!

I was able to see Scott and spend several hours with Wendy and him in Fontana. Last night was a little rough. They did not give Scott any pain meds or sedatives during his transport so when he got to Kaiser he was really uncomfortable. Wendy, Amie and I were there for 5 hours, during all of which he was very agitated and not able to rest. As the night wore on they were able to increase his meds until he was less restless and more comfortable.

This morning was much better! Scott was so much more relaxed and comfortable. He has great nurses caring for him and Wendy feels very at peace with the care he is getting there.

Scott is so strong! He was trying his hardest to sit up and talk. The type of trach Scott has right now prohibits him from speaking. So, it was a struggle to get him to relax. For this reason, Wendy asks that those who are planning to come see him please wait a few more days. It's still a little too much stimulation for him right now.

Posted by Tricia Beaman

Friday, March 9, 2007

Good News!! Scott is Being Moved to Fontana!

Wendy just got word that Scott is being moved to Fontana Kaiser! This is a huge answer to prayer! This makes it much easier for Wendy to see him daily and be home for her boys nightly.

Kaiser Fontana
9961 Sierra Ave
Fontana, CA 92335
909 427 5665

I've gotten so many emails asking how the boys are doing. They are doing alright! Christian understands more than Caiden does but he is doing well. The AMAZING community of Corona has been so great at helping me keep the boys so busy having fun they have no time to think or worry about anything else. Thank you so much Sandi, Sue, Erin, Lisa, Carol Ann, Sheri, Kathy and Pam! You girls rock!!!

Posted by Tricia Beaman

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Scott Finally Had His Procedure

I spoke with Wendy this evening. Good News--Scott's bronchoscopy went well and the doctors were able to get a lot of fluid out of his lungs. He was at a very low oxygen level prior to the procedure, but is now at 97% oxygen. With the tube out of his throat, he'll be a lot more comfortable than before. He is less sedated and will hopefully start to really improve.

Scott is considered a respiratory case still. This means that when he is moved, possibly in the next week or two, he has to be moved to a bed in ICU. Unfortunately, there's a possibility that he will be moved to Baldwin Park. Wendy is obviously hoping a bed opens up for Scott closer to her, either in Riverside or Fontana.

Due to my schedule, I may not be able to post over the next two days--but I'll try. Thanks again for checking in. Continue to hope for better and better news!

Posted by Paul Palomino

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Still Waiting on Tracheotomy; Scott's House

Still waiting for the tracheotomy. They told Wendy tomorrow. I know Wendy is frustrated as I think we all are. We all want to hear that there is grand progress and things are moving quickly.
I am positive that there will be something more to report soon!

I know that so many of you have offered to or know someone who can renovate Scott and Wendy's home to make it wheelchair accessible. Wendy is game for anything! She just wants Scott to be comfortable and capable in his own home. She would really love it if someone could come and look at the possibilities and draw up some plans and get the ball rolling.

Posted by Tricia Beaman

Charitable Bank Account Set Up for Donations

Wendy's friend posted this information earlier, but the formatting somehow cut off the right side of her message, so I deleted it and am posting the same information I received from Martha Logue. Martha is a close friend of Wendy's also. She's been in contact with me over the last week regarding this account, which took a bit to set up.

If you would like to make a donation to the Ortiz Family, please send checks made payable to Gwynne Ortiz (Wendy's legal name) to:

The Ortiz Family
Charitable Donation
c/o Southland Credit Union
10701 Los Alamitos Blvd.
Los Alamitos, CA 90720

Checks can also be made out to The Ortiz Family, or Scott & Wendy Ortiz. Martha advised me that she has applied for TIN for this account that the IRS said would take 60 days to receive.

Also, my wife and I received many checks from the very first post I made on this blog. The first two contributions received accounted for 2/3 of the money needed for the food we purchased. We made up the difference for the other 1/3. We are going to sign over and forward all of the other checks we received to this account. Thanks to all of you who contributed. Scott's entire family have expressed to me how thankful they are to all of you for the support you've given so far.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Tracheotomy Postponed

I spoke to Candy just now. She said the tracheotomy was postponed until tomorrow.

It's good to see posts coming in from Wendy's good friend Tricia and Scott's sister Stacy. Thanks to all of you that plan to support them in the upcoming fund raisers. If you haven't been to this site in the past couple of days, page down to see more information on these.

Monday, March 5, 2007


As you know, Scott has been on a respirator since he came out of surgery on Tuesday. While I was there he was on a pretty heavy duty one, which they had to keep him heavily sedated and restrained. Then they stepped him down yesterday before we left, back to the regular respirator. They've been getting a lot of bacteria out of it, and decided to keep him on it. My mom, Candy spoke to Wendy a bit ago and they are waiting to do a tracheostomy. There's no word if he will be on it forever or for a few days but it's mainly because his oxygen levels dropped through the night. Hopefully this will able him to speak, as the last few days he became very frustrated with the respirator. But I'm not really sure how a trach tube works? Keep up the prayers for Scott and for Wendy to be strong while she is there.
--Posted by Stacy Zwart

Wendy Upate and Fundraiser

I spoke with Wendy this morning as she was on her way back in to see Scott. If all goes well, they are hopeful that they will be removing the breathing tube today. I am praying that once we get over that hurtle they will be able to give Wendy a better idea as to when they can transfer Scott closer to home. We don't want Scott moved before he is ready but, it would be such a blessing for the family to have him near. It is tearing Wendy up needing to be with both Scott and her boys. She has so much support and help with Christian and Caiden. They are all so well loved and cared for by everyone. But, she is really concerned for their emotional well being during all of this and it's difficult for her to leave them for days at a time. But needless to say, being by Scott's side is her main priority.

Wendy would like everyone to know that she is overwhelmed with all the love and support she is receiving from everyone. She is feeling your prayers and can't even begin to put in to words how much she appreciates it all! Thanks doesn't begin to express it.
--posted by Tricia Beaman

Sunday, March 4, 2007

No News Today; A Note from Wendy

Scott's cousin, Carrie Whitsell and I spoke this afternoon. She had been in touch with Wendy, who is with Scott in Bakersfield. Wendy wanted me to relate to everyone how wonderfully she feels the staff at Kern Medical Center have been to Scott. She feels his level of care there is excellent.

The hope is that tomorrow the respirator will be removed. If so, they will be able to perform a CAT scan to see if the damage repaired in Scott's neck is healing properly. If you read this tonight or tomorrow morning and are the praying kind, please pray that Scott's lungs will be cleared of any remaining fluid so this can take place. Thanks everyone.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Still on Respirator but Alert

I spoke with Candy again this evening. She said she and Stacy had a good visit with Scott today. He opened his eyes and knew they were there. At one point, Candy told Stacy they should go back to the hotel and they got up to go. Stacy looked back and Scott was making a face, so they stayed with him and held his hands. They tried to go a few more times, but he squeezed their hands and wouldn't let them. Finally they had to leave during the next shift change, when the visitors are required to leave the room.

Candy said they apparently do chest X-rays each morning to see how much fluid is still in his lungs. They apparently need his lungs clear before they can remove the respirator. The respirator has been in since the surgery the other night.

Scott is a very popular patient among the group of doctors that see him. One of them told Candy that there is something very special about Scott because the entire team is really pulling for him in a special way.

I will be away most of the day tomorrow and will try to post any new information I receive tomorrow night. Wendy and Candy and all the family know how much all of you are praying and thinking of them. Keep those messages coming.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Fever is Down

I just spoke with Stacy who is with Scott in Bakersfield. His temperature has lowered to 99 degrees for about half the day today. He is on a new respirator that seems to be more comfortable for him. He is still very sedated and resting.

A Note from Stacy; More Info fom Candy

Scott's sister Stacy was kind enough to further clarify my last entry. I wanted to post it here:

"Just to clear things up..the recent surgery was to repair the (vertebrae) in his neck. He won't be transported until he is stable with infection and capable of moving. He is still on a respirator and we're waiting on another (bronchial) treatment on his lungs for the bacteria/infection."

I've invited Stacy to author articles/posts of her own on this blog. I'm also inviting Tricia Beaman, a close friend of Wendy's, to post articles on Wendy's behalf. It's nice to see information coming straight from a family member.

I received a message from Candy last night. She said that Scott is still on a respirator (intubated) and has a fever of about 102 degrees. They are trying bring the fever down and find out what's causing it. A pulmonary specialist will try clearing his lungs again today. His blood pressure is good. He is sedated, but alert.

Thursday, March 1, 2007


I've been reading through the entries I've made this week and just want to be clear that the family was told that Scott is permanently paralyzed. No operation can be done that would allow him to walk again. The recent surgery was not to repair his spine, but to enable him to be transported. As far as I understand it, he is still in very serious condition. The immediate concerns would be the risk of pneumonia or infection, etc.

Thanks to those of you who've added notes in the guest book on the right. It's awesome to see how many great friends and family he has that are continually praying for and thinking of him.

Scott's Mom, Candy

Scott's mother, Candy Zwart called me this morning. We had a great time talking about Scott. She related several stories to me of their time this past week. She is very positive and upbeat. She knows her son will come through this, as she likes to say, 'in typical Scott fashion'.

One of the stories she told me is already familiar to you if you've read this blog. After the trauma team left Scott, they reported to the lead doctor that would handle his case. They reported to him Scott's name, what happened to him, the type of injuries he suffered, etc. What he told Candy later was that as the trauma team were recounting all of this information, he kept waiting to hear what the time of death was. At one point, he interrupted them to ask, 'You mean he's breathing?' He'd apparently survived where others wouldn't.

While I was talking with her, my daughter needed some tissue, so I told her where to get it. When Candy heard this, she told me that Scott would've loved to have a daughter. On Super Bowl Sunday, a close friend from Scott's childhood was there, Crystal Johnson. She was pregnant with a girl. Scott told her that he liked the name Hayden Elizabeth. Well, Hayden Elizabeth was born yesterday at 5:30.

She said that Scott is supposed to be in physical therapy 36 hours after surgery. That should be today. She expects that Scott will be in this hospital through to the middle of next week and will hopefully be moved to Anaheim Hills. He is at Kern Medical Center on Flower Street in Bakersfield.