Friday, September 14, 2007

Update on Scott's Hospitalization!

Hi Everyone, I don't know too much right now....they finally put Scott in a room at 10 PM and got him on his "special" mattress and everything situated for him. They still are not sure what kind of infection he has...the biggest thing is when they did his blood cultures this morning it showed very high white blood count which also is septic???? I don't know what this all means, but for sure there is an infection in his body somewhere. At this point we are hoping it is a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) because this is very common in quadrapalegics and can be treated easily. At this time though, they are not sure. It could also be his wound (which I don't think it is because I treat it and see it 2x a day and it has only looked better) or lungs, they did a chest x-ray, so we will see. They also have him on isolation as a precaution which also means the boys cannot visit. They don't even know he is in the hospital yet, so I am so bummed that they can't go see him. It does look like he will be there for at least 3-5 days. Please continue to pray, I have a feeling we are in for a lot more infections in the years to come, this first one is scary, though!!! I just want Scott to feel good for more than one day!!!! By the way, he is already teasing the nurses, so at least his sense of humor is in tact!!!! And he is making Steelers bets with the guys at the!!! Yikes.Thank you all so much for ALWAYS being here for me. I do appreciate it and love you so much!Love,Wendy