Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Kaiser Rehab SUCKS!!

I have a note from Wendy...

Hello All of my beautiful friends, I am writing you now because I am in need of some serious prayer. You have all been so supportive of me and I love you all and appreciate all of you prayer, love and support you have given me the last 4 months. This week I have had some really big problems with Kaiser. They are threatening to send Scott to a Skilled Nursing Facility and releasing him from the acute rehab program. This would be a huge set back to Scott's recovery and for those who are not updated by me daily, Kaiser is hugely responsible for these set-backs. They are basically dropping the ball and just giving up on him. PLEASE pray for me to have the strength to stand up to this organization and to get Scott what he is entitled to. I know you guys can help me with this. I am so strong with all of you behind me and I love you all so much!!! Love,Wendy Oritz

I did just receive a call saying they moved Scott out of rehab and into a medical room. Let's pray this is a good move!

Thank you!