Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Some Accident Details and Surgery Information

My wife and I delivered about a month worth of dinners for Wendy and the kids to Wendy's parents last night. Wendy was at the hospital with Scott. Christian and Caiden were playing with their month-old puppy lab Sawyer and looking froward to a sleep over at their grand parent's. They are very nice boys.

I was told that Scott is scheduled for surgery early this morning, however Wendy's parents told me that they thought it may not happen because the doctors want an MRI first. I'll be in touch with Danny later this morning to find out. A group of us from work are planning to visit Scott tomorrow if he's able to receive visitors.

Many of you have asked what happened. What I've heard from at least two people on each point is that Scott and a friend were in an off-road vehicle similar to a Rhino. They were not off-road but on their way to or coming back from four wheeling. They hit a deep hole that they couldn't see and the vehicle flipped. Scott and his friend were both thrown from the vehicle. Scott was harnessed in and had a helmet on, but his seat ejected. Scott's friend reportedly suffered several broken bones and ribs and a punctured a lung.