Hello Everyone! I hope you all know by now that Scott has been home almost 2 weeks. It has been crazy, but somehow, by the grace of God, we are getting by day by day. Some of you may not know, but on the first day of rehab months ago the therapist asked Scott what his goal were...his first answer was to go to his sister's wedding. Well, he achieved his goal tonight. I didn't bore you guys with all of the pictures but I thought you would like to see a few of our family. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for getting me through the past 6 months. It was honestly the darkest time of my life but it definetely had a lot of light to it, too. To see the support, love and friendship that is in our lives is truly a gift that i can only thank God for. You have all done so much for me, and I will be forever grateful to each and every one of you. I know I can get through the rest of my life with all of you by my side. Thanks so much!!!Love,Wendy