Hello All,
I had a chance to see Scott again yesterday on Easter. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to add more info on my last visit with him Tuesday. Ironically my own father is currently hospitalized in the same building as Scott, four floors above. I was there yesterday to visit my dad and saw Scott too.
Last week after my visit on Tuesday, I called Wendy to let her know about my visit. She had arrived there shortly after I left. She told me that Scott's neck brace was removed soon after I left. She was so excited to be able to finally kiss him on the lips! She said that day was the first day in a long time that she felt truly optimistic.
When I saw him that morning, he was much more communicative than the week before. The swelling in his right hand had reduced significantly and he moved that arm around more. The dexterity in the fingers of his left hand is increasing as well. He was able to nod 'yes' as well as shake his head for 'no'. Scott directed my attention to the news to make sure I knew about the E.Coli scare in Lake Forest! I wasn't even paying attention; but
he was.
A Word About FundraisersI created a new site specifically for fundraisers currently scheduled. The link is at the top and right of this page. I will update the site regularly and will keep the most current events at the top and delete them when they are done. Please visit this section regularly to see if there are events that you can support. Thank you very much.